Izalco Clothing
Fashion brand Izalco Clothing, born in New Jersey, focuses on urban fashion. The project includes creating the business brand and website. The company does business exclusively online, so its brand and online store will serve as the main presentation tools. Both must work together in order to increase sales and engagement.
Designed with movement in mind. The mark is bold and fresh, which makes it look young. Written by hand with a marker, implying a closer involvement.
The Website
Izalco Clothing is an online-only business. It was crucial to have a website that worked correctly. So, we decided on Squarespace. The user experience was designed to be smooth and easy, with constant feedback and follow-up email campaigns after purchases. Additionally, I developed graphic assets such as thumbnails, banners, and mock-ups for the products.
As a new business, establishing trust with potential customers is crucial. Squarespace provided the best solution to stay within budget.
Homepage Banner
GIF banner video that could go at the top of the homepage, the banner shows how garments are made and how they are handled with care, which further strengthens the message of personal involvement.
Product showcase
Established the way products would be displayed on the website to maintain cohesiveness across all product lines.